Friday, November 2, 2007

A Visit from Titi Gigi
Geraldine came to visit last week for a few days before flying out to Florida with us to surprise her parents. We had a relaxing time and she and Jose played a lot of Wii! I think I was able to make her visit memorable with the "Kirby" vacuum demonstration that we spent watching for three whole hours one evening. I'm not going into details, but let's just say we ended up with a clean mattress, couch and shampooed carpet. So thanks to Rusty for that one. Oh, and noooooo I did not purchase the vacuum although it was very tempting.

1 comment:

Geraldine said...

Don't forget about that two-valve safety system! It was great to see you guys, and I'm so happy I finally made the blog :) See you in 3 weeks!!!