Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
This photo says it all when it comes to our vacation last week. While Jose and I enjoyed spending time with the family, Aunt Liz's wonderful meals, and holding our little niece, Nadia probably has a different story to tell. The poor thing was suffering from a cold and two molars that are coming in. Needless to say, our visit consisted of many sleepless nights and restless days. We came to Boston with good intentions but felt that we kept the whole house up at night and worry that we infected the ones we love we a terrible cold. We are just glad that Beatrice (Nadia's little cousin) is a great sleeper and was able to sleep through all the commotion.
Beatrice's Baptism was on Saturday and we are honored to be her godparents. Beatrice looked beautiful in her white gown .
Two grandchildren and one more on the way...
we don't think the Perez grandparents could be happier.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Nadia has a new love, wrestiling and rolling around with pillows. This is our couch but bed pillows are just as fun. We should mention that Nadia has learned to climb up on the couch by herself. She's not always successful but every once in awhile you'll turn around and there she is, up on the couch playing around.
Mommy and Daddy were busy getting down Christmas lights on this day. We dressed Nadia to play in the cold garage while we were busy but the red wagon kept tempting her. Despite our feelings about the weather, Nadia loves the cold wind in her face. Daddy took her out for a ride in her favorite red wagon.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Okay, not a proud moment for Mom but too funny not to post. Aunt Brea was a witness to this famous pastime of Nadia's. Nadia loves to find Mommy's underwear and model them like necklaces. Oh, and don't's all clean.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Since Nadia isn't quite old enough for Disney World Oma and Abuelo took us to the next best thing, Downtown Disney. Downtown Disney is an outdoor shopping center that only sells Disney products. They have anything and everything in Disney. Nadia had a really great time riding the train, carousel, eating ice cream and the LEGO display was something to see. (The dragon below in the family photo is made of LEGOs.)
Friday, November 2, 2007
Last Wednesday we flew out to Orlando to visit Oma and Abuelo before heading on to Puerto Rico for a wedding. We all had high hopes for hot and sunny weather, even Nadia had her sunglasses with her for the trip. However, Florida was very cloudy (no rain) and in Puerto Rico there was a tropical depression and it rained 24/7 during our stay. Below is a photo showing just how gloomy it was although the view is awesome. Despite the weather we had a great time visiting with family and friends and Nadia was a traveling angel, we couldn't have asked for more from her.
The only sunshine we saw during our trip was from far above the clouds.
At 15 months, Nadia has become quite the traveling expert. She has taken one long road trip to New York and Washington D. C., flown to New York once, flown to Puerto Rico and Florida twice, and will be flying to Boston this month. Below Nadia is releasing some energy before boarding the next flight. Airlines board people needing assistance and those with children first. We decided it was best to board last on every flight. We were able to give Nadia more time to run around and spend less time sitting on the plane. The worst thing about flying with a child is preventing boredom. I had read in a magazine to never leave without window color clings (the window decorations that stick and re-stick). So I bought some that were Halloween themed and this was by far the greatest trick to keeping Nadia occupied and happy on our flights. Definite recommendation for anyone flying with a toddler.
Luckily for us Nadia was able to sleep a whole 3 hours on one of our longest flights and take a short nap on another, it was then that Mommy finally got some rest too.
We have so many photos of our trip that we we have broken them up into parts that we will be posting separately within the next few days. There are plenty more to come.