Thursday, March 24, 2011

Team Yellow

DSC_0754, originally uploaded by bokehjose.

Such a fantastic spring weather day yesterday (72 deg). Today, on the other hand, 40...and tomorrow a forecast of snow. Ugh. So we took advantage of the (sometimes) warm spring weather and visited the animals at the zoo.
By the way, Tatum decided to dress the girls in yellow (so I could spot them easier when I inevitably lost one). Thanks Tatum!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Zoo day!

Zoo day!, originally uploaded by bokehjose.

72 degrees and breezy. Sounds like a day outside to me!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trying To Get Your 3 Year Old Sister To Listen To You

 "C'mon Sonia, sit down for the picture."
 "Hey Sonia, right here next to me."
 "Oh, nevermind."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cake Focus

DSC_0520, originally uploaded by bokehjose.

We celebrated Sonia's 3rd birthday yesterday amongst friends and family. Sonia was super excited all day and her attention seemed to jump from one toy to another and from one friend to another. When it came time to sing "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake though...she had laser-like focus.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Collection

Spring Collection, originally uploaded by bokehjose.

Sonia showing the latest from Oma's 2011 Spring Collection.