Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"To Know Her is to Love Her"

Jose had yesterday off so we decided to get out and enjoy the 70 degree weather with a visit to Forest Park. It was beautiful and absolutely refreshing. Jose made and packed panini sandwiches for us and a PB and J for Nadia. It was just a great day all together. A much needed day for the family. So here's the low-down...Nadia has begun her terrible twos... and I mean full speed ahead. She has put Jose and I through test after test the past few weeks. While we would like to think it has something to do with her cold, we're pretty sure she's trying to see how far she can push us. Most of this we believe is due to the attention that she doesn't want to share with Sonia and her desperate need for independence. Yes, I thought the search for independence began around thirteen but really this process begins at 15-18 months. So here we have this child who wants nothing more than for her mami to hold her (because mami is always holding the baby) but at the same time needs to do and choose everything for herself, it really must be frustrating and confusing for her, not to mention us. All of this is complicated by the fact that Nadia is a strong-willed, driven child and while this may help to get her ahead in life, it's a true challenge for Jose and I at this time. Anyway, by standing our ground very firmly, being consistent and spending a little extra one-on-one we feel that our little angel, full of spunk and personality has reappeared. You know while parenthood brings new challenges every day, hardships come and go, you love your children just the same and even more. As we teach/mold our girls we learn something new about ourselves in the process and this makes us better people...a stronger family.

Nadia doesn't mind showing us her muscles.

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